Crypto Accounting & Tax Planning

Cryptographic assets e.g. Digital currencies and distributed ledger technologies have expanded in drift well far away from Bitcoin, Fintech have created new challenges for accountants. Our cryptographic asset experts can help you meet those challenges. An important part of our approach includes back testing and looking at your business holistically to more understand your business and related requirements.

Our firm’s accountants render comprehensive bookkeeping, accounting, tax planning & advisory services. Accounting services range from complete business management and bookkeeping to management reporting and consulting. Our highly qualified accountants and advisors will leverage industry best practices for your entity.

We have grown up with the best market practices to account crypto-transactions and calculate realized/unrealized gains and losses for both tax filing and reporting purposes via a variety of methods, including helping your tech team to integrate solutions into your existing platform. Now a days many digital assets companies compensate their employees and contractors with digital currency, and we can assist with the compliance and analysis of taxation and accounting requirements.

  • 409A Valuation
  • 83(b) Elections
  • Analysis of issuance in exchange for cryptocurrencies or fiat (recognized as revenue, liability or equity for tax and GAAP purposes)
  • Blockchain Audit Preparation
  • Blockchain Internal Controls Consulting
  • Cryptocurrency Accounting Valuation
  • Cryptocurrency Tax Valuation Services
  • GAAP Compliance for crypto assets and tokens
  • Revenue recognition for tokens and GAAP (deferral of revenue and timing of recognition)
  • Strategic Consulting
  • Tax Strategy & Structure


Shared resource
$ 420 Monthly
  • Minimum 30 Hours
  • $14/hour
  • Revenue up to $500K
  • Bank/CC/Suppliers Customers Reconciliations

Private Equity Fund Accounting

Streamline workflows with Fund Accounting

The Private Equity Funds invest in companies for having control, in stock exchanges for share trading, joint ventures, mergers and acquisitions, and issue IPOs so resulting in complex accounting structures different in many ways from the normal industry. Our team is a developed solution to all these complexities which leads to smooth statutory audits and timely stakeholders’ reports. Our focus remains on real-time accounting, data compiling, and management reporting to keep the investments healthy and timely decisions by the management.

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Xero Certified Partner
Xero Payroll Certified
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